Achala Ashram

Achala Guru Jayadevaarya Seva Samaj®
Achala Ashram Achala Peetam



"Dhyana" stands as the cornerstone of spiritual enlightenment, offering a gateway to profound insights and elevated consciousness. It serves as the sacred practice to still the tumultuous waves of the mind and ascend towards higher realms of awareness. It is revered across traditions as the path to transcend the confines of the ego and unravel the deeper mysteries of existence.

In the discipline of Achala Yoga, dhyana assumes a paramount position, serving as the bedrock for self-realization, liberation (moksha), and communion with the divine. The techniques this are rooted in the rich tradition of Raja-Yoga, which are multifaceted, encompassing four stages to attain 'no mind' state (Jnana Yoga). This journey of self-exploration and spiritual evolution becomes a catalyst for personal growth, facilitating a deeper understanding of existence and a harmonious alignment with the cosmic flow of life.